
Monday, December 2, 2013

Get to Know the People Who Know: Meet Bob Lefsetz

When trying to navigate through your journey as a creative person, it is good to realize that there are people out there that know more than you do. This isn’t just true in the music business; this is true in, well, WHATEVER business you are in! Hey, this is true in life.

Once you have wrapped your head around the first fact, then you are faced with a decision: if there are people out there that know more than me, then how can I learn from these people? How can I determine which one of these people I should actually listen to?

Building your network and establishing connections takes a lot more research and is a little more difficult than just trying to connect with people who are “experts” in the area that you are trying to learn about. It takes research. Lots and lots of research. Do not be afraid to reach outside of your comfort zone if it means gaining perspective and knowledge. We are trapped, sometimes, in a cycle of failure when we don’t have to be. Failure itself is not a terrible thing. Repeated failure, however, can make for an environment where growth is not possible. Growth, especially to creative people like us, is one of the main ingredients of success.

So what is the point, Mr. Hungry Artiz? My point is, do not limit your growth by believing that you have all of the answers. Even Albert Einstein did not have all of the answers. Your favorite artist or band does not have all of the answers. Build your network and you have a better chance of success. In other words, get to know people who know. Tune into them on the radio, log on to their websites, and read their blogs, go to hear them speak, read their books. Give growth a chance!

To get you started, I am going to help you to build network here during our weekly conversation. The first entry in our “Get to Know People Who Know” series is an introduction (or re-introduction to some) to a great blog that I found called The Lefsetz Letter. Bob Lefsetz, the author of The Lefsetz Letter, is one of those people that you should really get to know.

So who is Bob Lefsetz? He is one of those people I recommend reading because he is a veteran music industry professional who has worked as an entertainment lawyer, industry executive and a consultant for many major record labels. The Lefsetz Letter has been published for over 25 years, and serves as a “must-read” piece of insider literature for everyone from up-an-coming artists to established professionals like Quincy Jones. His blog is also famous because of Lefsetz’ reputation as one who only serves “common sense” and has even been known to disagree with the clients and companies that he was paid to work for!

Get out of the box. Get to know those who know.