
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Take Responsibility for your OWN Career

Let's face it. There is a lot of competition out there. Everyday, you turn on the radio (anybody still listening to the radio?) or log on to the Internet and hear at least one person who they believe is...well, not great. I mean come on, we all do it. No matter how much we want to say that we "Respect the musicians out there doing it" or "I support indie music," there is always that one song you hear and say: how in the WORLD did they get a deal? It's perfectly natural.

Now, this is not to say that it is okay to just be a "hater," because it's not. All that I am saying is that whenever you find yourself in a situation when you are saying that someone's music sucks, think about where you are and where you are hearing the song. Just give that a minute to sink in.

So what's the point, you say, Mr. Hungry Artist? The point is simple: don't be a hater. No, that's too simple and too overused. Let me say this: take Responsibility for your own career! If you do that, then you won't have time to be thinking about who stinks. Period. You'll be too busy honing your own craft to make sure that you don't stink.

There are several ways to gain success in the music business, and many of them are not smart. You could try and do what everyone else is doing or you could be a pioneer. You could do crappy, low quality YouTube videos, or put some thought into your music videos. You see the pattern?

Being in this business takes hard work and determination. Luck is something that you can't sit around waiting for or striving toward. Those people who are lucky to have that deal, or you think are lucky to be on the radio, they didn't set out looking for luck. They worked hard and were determined not to be stopped.

I don't love every song I hear on Pandora. I just think about where I am when I hear it. At least the song is on Pandora. I can skip it, but somebody else is out there listening to it. That's one more Pandora listener that this "sucky" artist has than I do at this moment.

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